The ceremony for the Awards of the Board of Trustees and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation was held at Aula Magna of the Historical Building of the UB. In this ceremony, the rector of the UB, the acting president of the Board of Trustees, Joan Corominas, and the director of Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, Carme Verdager, awarded the prizes to this year’s awardees.

The Antoni Caparrós Prize to the top project on knowledge transfer was awarded to the collaboration between UB researchers, led by the professor from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences F. Javier Luque and the company Pharmacelera. In particular, the research group Computational Biology and Drug Design of the UB have worked on a methodology to create new molecular describers (that is, quantitative representations of the molecule features that allow a computational analysis and treatment). Pharmacelera, with these new molecular describers, created several tools, such as PharmQSAR and PharmScreen, softwares that ease the discovery of new drugs and which are already used by several pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies. These are new computer tools that ease the design of new drugs for the treatment of diseases such as cancer.
